
Prominent tips for buying a second hand car 


Car deals are one of the most motivating factor that pushes a customer to any automobile showroom. Best car trade in deals are found majorly over new purchase, second hand purchase or replacement purchase. They come with different offers, discounts and coupons that ease your purchase out of savings and investment. These car deals differ from brand to brand based on the longevity, performance, conformance and driving conditions. Here we have discussed about some of the prominent tips that one must take a note of while purchasing any second hand car from any reliable showroom or from any individual himself. 

Determine the actual condition of a car 

When you are purchasing a second hand car, you need to firstly eye upon the workable conditions of that car. Check out whether the performance of car is worth the price demanded. It is advisable to take a test drive and know its smoothness, durability, robustness and sturdiness with a long term perspective. Know the condition of breaks, tyres, paint colours, engine, transmissions, seat comfort, cooling and many more. Calculate about the maintenance charges involved once you buy this second car. Know the additional charge of repairs and replacement so that you can have the design you wanted. 

Commensurate with the legal documents of vehicle registration

Determine who is the real owner of the vehicle and make it confirmed legally that he has transferred all the rights of ownership to you under duly signed and stamped documents. Make sure that you have collected the RC book, Identity Proof, Buying documents, original invoice, Loan Certificate and receipt of payment for a physical evidence that simply justify the ownership. It is very crucial to abide by all this transfer of property and documents and submit it to the respective legal authority under rightful and free consent of the selling and buying party. One can involve broker with transparent commission for better management. 

Prepare a list of all the required documents for transfer of ownership 

  • There should be a legal proof of car sale with his signature and stamp duty 
  • There should be a legal proof to justify the delivery of car under the transfer of vehicle as a property
  • Get a new RC book that represents you as an owner of the vehicle
  • Proof of cancellation of owner from the seller’s point of view
  • Receipt of payment –as a proof made by the purchaser of property 

Make sure everything is confirmed under a written contract

Be rational and collect written proof of transfer of ownership of vehicle instead of relying over any kind of psychological contract. Written proof acts as an evidence to get claim from the legal authorities. Mention the date of transfer, price, conditions, insurance premium and coverage, time duration and name of seller and buyer in the written contract. Attach registration papers to resolve any disputes if arise.  

Contact Done Deal now and seal your deal with the best price and latest offers.