


Driving more efficiently can save your annual fuel costs, increase road safety, and prolong the life of your car. Using these fuel-efficient driving strategies, you can cut your car’s fuel usage and CO2 emissions by up to 25%.

Avoid driving too quickly or slowly.

Your engine has to work hard to overcome wind resistance when traveling down a highway. At 100 km/h and 110 km/h, you’ll burn up to 15% more fuel and 25% more, respectively. That would entice you to drive slowly, but doing so would cause your engine to shift into a lower gear and use more fuel. Therefore, it is preferable to maintain a constant speed on the highway to get the optimum fuel economy.

Keep your tires inflated.

Experts from the D Wells auto shop advise you to keep your tires pumped up. Underinflated tires produce greater rolling resistance on the road. This implies that your tires create more friction and rolling resistance with each mile you travel, raising fuel consumption. Your vehicle’s fuel efficiency could drop by up to 10% if all your tires are 10 psi underinflated.

Practice gentle acceleration

Fuel consumption increases with increased acceleration. You will consume less petrol if you softly press the accelerator pedal while driving in the city. Take at least 5 seconds to move your car up to 20 kph from a stop.

Make your boot lighter.

Think again the next time you load up, especially if you keep emergency spares and everything in the boot. Every 50 kg your car gains results in a 2% increase in fuel usage.

Make proper use of a manual transmission.

Observe the tachometer, which shows engine speed. Use it to determine the ideal time to shift a manual transmission for maximum fuel economy. The engine burns more fuel at higher engine rpms. Smoothly and swiftly shift through the lower gears to increase speed in the higher ratios.

Avoid using harsh braking.

As you must later re-accelerate, slamming on the brakes uses more fuel. This is especially true if you follow the car in front of you too closely. Furthermore, it’s best to avoid tailgating because it’s risky.

Remove roof racks

Remove the vehicle racks to boost your car’s efficiency when not in use. Note that aerodynamic drag might result in a 20% increase in gasoline usage.

Don’t overuse the air conditioning.

A car’s fuel usage might increase by 20% while the air conditioner is on. When driving, open the windows and use the flow-through ventilation system. Use the re-circulate setting if you do decide to use the air conditioner. It will lessen the effects.

Practice anticipatory driving.

Finally, consider the path ahead as you make your next move. Try slowing down as you approach the red light rather than slamming on the brakes until you completely stop. Alternatively, instead of accelerating when you approach a hill, begin to do so as soon as you reach its base. Please avoid using your car’s forceful acceleration when moving from a complete stop or ascending a hill because it will use more fuel.